Angels and Awakening FB Tribe

Looking for a space where your spiritual journey feels understood and supported? Join our incredible Facebook Tribe, where thousands of souls like you connect.

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Sessions with Julie

Are you ready to dive into a soul-nourishing session with Julie? Join our waitlist by simply clicking the link below! Remember, sessions with Julie sell out quickly, so be sure toĀ secure your spot today!

Can't Wait to Connect!

Angels and Awakening Book

The Angels and Awakening book is not just a book; it's a heartwarming journey that could be perfect for you or your loved ones on their spiritual path.

Check It Out!

Angels andĀ Awakening Podcast

Have you caught the latest episode of our podcast this week? Julie's interviews with spiritual healers and heartwarming Angel Stories are waiting for you!

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Go Live with Julie

Follow Julie on Instagram to get notifications when sheā€™s going live and she might just pull you on to chat!

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